LIAP Graduation: Second Cohort

Communication can be a wonderful thing as long as we do not limit ourselves in a way that we transfer and receive information.  See, oftentimes, we tend to rely heavily on verbal or written communication and  a close runner-up, body language.  However, I can’t help but to think of those experiences or instances that we struggle to articulate and/or define.  You know, those unique and powerful moments where words would be an injustice to the experience.  Even more, those moments that we share with others, encounters, that are both powerful and impactful, yet felt and not fully expressed.  It is important to acknowledge the clairvoyant and/or quasi-paranormal experiences in our lives because it is in those moments we witness the limitless potential of ourselves and the organic connection we have with one another.   Failure to recognize those special moments would have robbed me of the entire experience of this cohort.

This cohort challenged me in new and amazing ways; equally, strengthening me to be a better leader, instructor, and overall person.  With each meeting, I gained a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be open as I watched each participant experience love answering, lifting, and opening in unique ways.  Moreover, I witnessed the pure connection that love brings when we make ourselves available.   Through Susan and Nan, I learned how being open allows a pulling some of life most precious jewels from the river of our souls.   Deborah and Crystal reminded me to dig deep and it is never too late to embrace freedom and self-declaration.  Our emancipation begins with a release.   Bradley and Kirstin revealed that reflection and honor play vital roles in releasing the weight.   Also, every process and analysis serve a purpose, just as much as being spontaneous. My mother, Lois, taught me a valuable lesson in parenting by just being a student. Our bound strengthen and deepen by being open to love and receptive to the “whatever.” 

 It is my desire that these experiences spread like seeds in the field of humanity.That each of their presence incites unity, kindness, and love.It is my desire that each one is changed and become a bridge for the love deficient to get over, come over, and be restored through love education, love advocacy, and love therapy.

Love Is A Parable