Community: What Happened?

Community comes from the Latin root word, communis, which means to share; better yet, something "that is shared by all." I think somewhere along the way, in our various communities, we forgot about community. Even though the word openly expresses to "come in unity," we've replaced the sharing with merely gathering. In a desperate attempt to be politically correct, in the name of inclusion, we've lumped all things together, assuming because we gather, we are on one accord. Unfortunately, the gathering only creates hostilities, rooted in survival, dubbed 'competition.' See, as long as we merely gather, we will never see the beauty in individuality, quickly understanding that, similar and the same are not synonymous. We are diversified for a reason and it is not for the sake of awareness, but appreciation. There should be nothing skeptical about goodwill, love, and unity. We can thrive as individuals, businesses, and corporations if we quickly return to the what is “shared by all” philosophy. No competition, just a desire to see us excel.

Love Is A Parable