Reflecting on Afghanistan: Finding Ways To Support
-Photo by AFGNSTN Co.
When travesty and devastation happen, it is somewhat easy to focus on extreme or polarizing views of religion, politics, and/or customs. Somehow in our minds, we may feel, if we rationalize the ‘happenings’, it may not be as bad as they appear. Few of us may consider, needing to rationalize anything is a key indicator that there is something irrational occurring. One of the most disheartening things about any crisis is when we, collectively fail to see to the humanistic components of these affairs. It is important to us, at Love Is A Parable to acknowledge the overlooked humanness of any response, situation, or encounter. See, as we continue to do work in unity-focused spaces, we must be aware and recognize bridges of hope and change. Oftentimes, there is little we can do individually but can conquer great things collectively. Of course, the average citizen in any country isn’t a key decision-maker in global affairs. However, everyone is a key decision-maker in matters of the heart.
As we reflect on the recent events taking place in Afghanistan, we begin to think of our friends at AFGNSTN Co. (pronounced Afghanistan Co.), a clothing brand dedicated to “bringing the beauty and culture of Afghanistan… in a modern and contemporary style through urban streetwear.” Not only do they provide amazing apparel with Afghan symbolism, but they also share rich stories that are often unheard of outside of this wonderful mountainous country; or at least, to the extent of becoming mainstream information. Thoughtfulness is a common theme with this AFGNSTN CO. They even donate a percentage of all sales to humanitarian efforts and partner with various togetherness initiatives. This organization is a gentle reminder that we all have something good to give.
Want to help and unsure how? Well, if one is looking for a healthy distraction that could bring about positive change and support to the Afghan Community, we would encourage the following:
Connect with individuals of Afghan descent, hear their stories, and attempt to be of support.
Read up on current events and connect with unbiased sources that provide an objective perspective.
Attempt to think globally and not from a localized vantage point.
Support businesses that influence change in unconventional ways.
Find creative ways to be a bridge within one’s local community or network.
Origin Story of AFGNSTN Co.
I remember the smell of my father’s old camel wool patu as he’d wrap it around us at bedtime, its musky scent enveloping us both as his soft voice would tell stories of home. Every night he’d tell a different story, drawing on memories and histories that had been passed down for generations. He would fondly recall a childhood of flying kites through the streets of Kabul, the sky alive with vibrant colors. His eyes would shine bright as he remembered the taste of kabobs fresh from street vendors and ripe fruit grown around the country—oranges from Jalalabad and pomegranates from Qandahar. Through my father’s stories, I fell in love with a place I had never been to and with people I had never met.
AFGNSTN was founded to pay homage to these stories, retelling through streetwear the glimpses of Afghanistan that our families thought important enough to pass down—the glimpses of our homeland that shape us, motivate us, and unite us.
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J. Dwayne Garnett, BSRT, MHA, QP
Chief Executive Officer
Love Is A Parable
Available for Empowerment Speaking Engagements, Consultations, Uncovering Sessions, and Instruction.
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