I Quit


After experiencing three major deaths in my family and witnessing Love Is A Parable not move as I had planned, I wanted to quit. Yes, I wanted to quit everything. For the last 2-3 weeks, I felt that I was getting increasingly frustrated, struggled with maintaining my emotions, and was easily distracted. Because of this, I scheduled more appointments with my therapist and spoke with my doctor about the various transitions that I was experiencing. Additionally, I spoke with my family and friends on days that I was struggling. In fact, yesterday was a bit rough. I believe it is important to know your body and identify changes as they occur.

 As men, we must fight the urge to mask our feelings and thoughts. We all handle ‘life’ differently, and that is ok. It is important to know that our experiences and perspectives are valid, even without the support of others. In fact, I have every right to quit.   So, that is exactly what I decided to do.

  • I quit thinking negatively of myself.

  • I quit getting frustrated with things that I cannot control.

  • I quit attempting to bridle my emotions.

  • I quit trying to handle everything on my own.

  • I quit entertaining distractions.

  • I quit limiting myself based on my insecurities and the expectations of others.

  • I quit allowing myself to hurt for the sake of masculinity or manhood.

Fellow Love Advocate,

I welcome you to be human. Yes, be you with carrying the weight of… Allow yourself to breathe. You are extraordinary in every way. Make today awesome.

J. Dwayne Garnett, BSRT, MHA, QP
Chief Executive Officer
Love Is A Parable
Available for Empowerment Speaking Engagements, Consultations, Uncovering Sessions, and Instruction.
Find out more about J at by clicking HERE!

J. Dwayne Garnett