When Others Share in Your Vision...

"Spiritual consciousness has been replaced by social consciousness and moral law because we refuse to wake up"!

-J.Dwayne Garnett

After sharing this thought on Facebook, I received a powerful response from one of my friends.  It's amazing how we've never met in person, but have kindred spirits.  Our friendship is a true testament of the purpose of social media...

"Sharing... Thank you Brother J, for your post. ~ Just as a coin, having two sides, is inseparable, yet each, having their own distinction, work together in making the coin, one. The "heads" cannot be separated from the "tails".

Yet, as a society, as a government, a nation and a people, try to isolate, the Spiritual consciousness of Humankind, from the social consciousness and moral law of society. But just as a coin becomes a mangled up piece of junk, if we try to separate the two sides of the coin, Society also becomes a mangled up piece of junk, by isolating Spiritual consciousness, from Social consciousness and moral laws.

It must have been 30 or so years ago, that my wife (at that time) and I went to, I believe, Hesston, Kansas for her grandmother's funeral. One of the first things I observed, was the speed limit signs posted on the streets within this quiet little Mennonite community.

Any time that a sign is posted by a local, state, or the federal government, "it is the Law!", and it has to be abided by. So my first thought was, "Why, in a Mennonite community, would the 'Law' be 'demanded', that it be followed?"

But after a while, I realized, that who was driving on the roads, that the signs were for "informational" purposes, for a group of Spiritually consciousness people, willing to follow social and moral laws of the land.

In Galatians 5, Paul writes that if a person has Spiritual consciousness, there is no laws against the manifestations of that Spiritual consciousness. Social and Moral laws, if none are against what your Spiritual consciousness directs you to do, then these Social and Moral laws, are established for the purpose of information, rather than for restrictions and judgement.

Spiritual consciousness, cannot be replaced, nor isolated. Else, society, becomes a mangled up piece of junk".

-Joseph Stout